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Interesting Facts about Human Brain - Need to know

   Interesting facts that amaze your Brain!!

Human beings are simply amazing creatures. Every action and every little doing tells us how unique we are. There are things about humans and their behavior that still manage to amaze the most famous of psychologists and stun them. There’s such a mystery about us – about the different organs, about the way we think, the way we behave, etc. The most surprising of the human organs is the brain. It is so amazingly complex and so deep that no human has understood it’s true power to date. It is said that the average human only uses 10 percent of his/her brain capacity in the lifetime. Imagine what will happen if the complete power is used!
Apart from having behaviors, humans also have a whole lot of wants, needs, fears, and phobias. And what’s more, they have invented words to describe their feelings! Like did you know that that fear of number 13 is known as triskaidekaphobia? Yeah. Try pronouncing that in one go! Or that the smell of wet earth is called petrichor? Take a look at some more amazing and mind-blowing facts about humans and human behavior! You’ll never look at yourself the same way again.
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