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DSC India summit 2019

Is time travel possible

Time Travel(Lightspeed)

According to Albert Einstein traveling with light speed is impossible but he also said that time is not absolute.It is different for different persons traveling in different relative and time is same, how much faster you travel in space that much slower you age.


Assume you are traveling in a spaceship with the speed of light and your friend is moving on the land with a normal speed, for both of you the clock will tick at same rate but you are traveling at different and higher speed than your friend so 1 day for you is like a year for your friend on the earth.

Einstein also proposed that space-time is a fabric where earth and other objects bend the space-time fabric.

--> Nasa is working on a project of making a time warping spaceship which can travel with greater velocities than any other spaceship.

The rings on the spaceship will bend the space-time fabric so that the fabric will raise up at the back of the spaceship and at the front, it will be that we can travel farther distances in less time.

Stephen Hawking's idea:

About cosmos:

physicists think that the existence of life is due to correct amount of dark matter present on the earth.Although dark matter has not been directly observed, its existence and properties are inferred from an unexplained mass in gravitational lensing calculations, which affects the motions of baryonic matter and light.[4]. It influences the universe's large-scale structure, the formation of galaxies, and affects the cosmic microwave background.

My idea:

physicists predict that there are multi-universes which can be called as the multiverse.  If we can travel information through light into space in all directions if there is any universe which has life can detect that light and can reply us.

Note: If you guys have any ideas or imaginations about space-time and time travel or anything related this topic please comment below. Also, comment yes if time travel is possible if not comment no.
